International Cooperation

BAK delegation at OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum

On 26 and 27 March 2024, the OECD 2024 Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum was held at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris. This was followed by the working meeting of the OECD Working Party on Public Integrity and Anti-Corruption on 28 March.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) organises an annual "Integrity Forum" as part of the CleanGovBiz initiative to support authorities and organisations in strengthening integrity, building trust and fighting corruption.

Experts discussed topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), climate change and the need for effective integrity measures.

Strategies and coping mechanisms

The key findings on the OECD Public Integrity Indicators were presented during the event. Individual measures were highlighted that countries can take to strengthen the resilience of their democratic systems to corruption.

Strategies to combat illicit financial flows were also outlined, emphasising the importance of international cooperation and effective enforcement measures.

The panels focussed on mobilising the private sector as a partner in the fight against corruption and on the use of legal, strategic and technical mechanisms in lobbying. Some sessions provided concrete solutions and insights into the use of data, analytics and AI.

The event also included sessions dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. Discussions focussed on reform efforts by countries and the need for continued global cooperation in the fight against bribery.

The presentation of the OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity Outlook 2024 served as a platform for a dialogue that provided valuable insights and strategies to address the evolving challenges of corruption and to maintain integrity.

European Network for Public Ethics side event

The European Network for Public Ethics (ENPE) held a side event on the afternoon of 27 March. Members were informed about the details of the next conference, which will take place in Rome in October. The thematic focus of the conference was introduced and debated.

This side event thus provided an ideal platform for discussing upcoming events, potential projects and opportunities for support to strengthen the Network's activities.

OECD Working Party on Public Integrity and Anti-Corruption

On 28 March, the last day of Integrity Week, the spring meeting of the Working Party on Public Integrity and Anti-Corruption shared important insights and discussed the next steps needed to strengthen anti-corruption and integrity.

Photo: ©  BAK
OECD Paris
Photo: ©  BAK

Article #: 26774 from Montag, 8. April 2024, 08:57
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