International Cooperation

Implementation Review Group of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)

Where do we stand internationally in the fight against corruption? How can the process be improved in individual countries? These were the focal points of the 15th meeting of the UNCAC Implementation Review Group (IRG) from 10 to 14 June 2024, which the BAK attended with a three-person delegation.

For the 15th time, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) invited the UNCAC states parties to a meeting of the Implementation Review Group. Proposals were put forward in panel discussions and speeches to make the country reviews more effective. The majority of delegations suggested focussing more on the effectiveness or actual effectiveness of measures in future, rather than exclusively on legal adjustments.

The conference took place together with the 18th meeting of the working group on asset recovery and the 13th expert meeting on international cooperation. In two additional panels, experts discussed the challenges and practices of transparency registers for beneficial owners as well as international cooperation at police and mutual legal assistance level.

UNCAC country review

The implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is evaluated by peer reviews, the results of which are summarised in reports and recommendations are made. Austria has been undergoing the second review cycle since June 2019, which evaluates Chapters II (Prevention) and V (Asset Recovery). Following a self-assessment questionnaire at the end of 2019, Germany and Vietnam conducted a desk review. The results of Austria's evaluation are expected in a final report.


Artikelfoto # 1
Photo: ©  BAK

Article #: 26996 from Montag, 24. Juni 2024, 07:34
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