
Slovak Public Defender of Rights visits EBM

On 21 January 2025, one day before the anniversary of the establishment of the Investigation and Complaints Office Allegations of Mistreatment (EBM), EBM received Róbert Dobrovodský, Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsman) of the Slovak Republic and his delegation for a working meeting at the premises of the Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK) together with two representatives of the Ministry of Interior Unit ‘Law Enforcement – Regional Police Directorates (LPD)’.

During this meeting, the delegation was given an insight into the organisation and areas of responsibility of EBM as well as a presentation of the ‘Body Worn Cameras (BWC) new’ project.

After welcoming remarks by the head of EBM, Lukas Berghammer, experts from the Law Enforcement LPD Unit explained in detail the ‘BWC new’ project. The presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the requirements and functions of body worn cameras as well as technical and legal aspects thereof.

Further presentations and discussions included EBM's legal basis, aspects of independence and investigative work. The lively interest shown by both sides in an intensive exchange of views provides an opportunity to deepen and continue the dialogue between the Slovak Public Defender of Rights and the Austrian EBM.

Ombudsman of the Slovak Republic and delegation and representatives of BMI and BAK.
Photo: ©  BAK

Article #: 27712 from Mittwoch, 29. Jänner 2025, 14:39
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